Ultracopier anleitung
Ultracopier anleitung

This application is a teracopy alternative for Linux. Ultracopier advance copy software was first developed by alpha_one_x86 using C++ programming language and released under GNU GPL License.

ultracopier anleitung ultracopier anleitung

  • You can get more features by installing available plugins.
  • Rename files & Directories during copying of data.
  • Some time it happens when copying of data stops when error occurred but you can resume copying of data where it was stopped.
  • Provides information’s about copy speed, already copied data, Remaining data and also you can set limitation for data copy speed.
  • Pause and resume data transfer during copying data.
  • You can edit the list of copied files and directories during copying or moving of data.
  • Available for both 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems.
  • Ultracopier advance copy software is a cross platform application available for major operating systems i.e.
  • Ultracopier is a open source application used to copy or move data from source to destination but Ultracopier also comes with some advance copy and move features mentioned below :

    ultracopier anleitung

    In this article we are going to learn How to install Ultracopier advance copy software (Teracopy Alternative) in Ubuntu.

    Ultracopier anleitung